Bella Coola Heli Sports: Heliskiing at Mystery Mountain Lodge
Bella Coola offers a stunning range of activities for heliskiing enthusiasts. Mystery Mountain Lodge is one of four accommodations in the vast ski area of this Canadian coastal town.
Lonely, in the middle of a scenic mountain landscape, lies the Mystery Mountain Lodge – a home style ranch, as it is written in the picture book. If you are not particularly motivated when you wake up in the morning, you will be ready for the upcoming challenges by looking out of the window into the beautiful nature of British Columbia.
A paradise for heliskiing adventurers
The Lodge – formerly Foster’s Heli Ranch – is the closest area to the largest peaks in BC. The epic runs are longer than almost anywhere in the world. Plus, the pristine peaks provide the ideal snow and fantastic heliskiing terrain. The snowpack is more stable than in many other areas. As a result, the risk of avalanches is reduced – an aspect that is essential when it comes to the safety of the participants.
The maximum group size is just five people. This is ideal for an unforgettable vacation with the family or with a group of friends. The small number of participants also means flying in smaller helicopters. These are not only more environmentally friendly, but also take up less space. This gives the opportunity to explore even more terrain.
If the steep descents are not passable due to weather conditions, this is not a tragedy. Then you can switch to the equally spectacular runs between the trees – treeskiing of the very finest kind!
Mystery Mountain Lodge: Pure exclusivity
It is even possible to book the entire lodge just for a very private stay. This gives guests the entire mountain range to themselves. Four bedrooms and excellent lodge amenities make the stay a winter sports delight. It doesn’t get more exclusive than this.“
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Name | Bella Coola Heli Sports |
Location | Tweedsmuir Park Lodge, Eagle Lodge, Pantheon Heli Ranch, Mystery Mountain Lodge |
Provinz/Bundesstaat | British Columbia |
Mountain Range | Coast Mountains |
Zielflughafen | Vancouver |
Transferzeiten | 70 min. Inlandsflug, 45 Minuten Transfer |
In der Nähe

Bella Coola Heli Sports: Heliskiing at Mystery Mountain Lodge
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