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CMH McBride: Comeback of the Giant

Canadia Mountain Holidays (CMH) has plenty of heliskiing terrain where you could ski different runs almost every day for an entire season, but McBride tops them all. The northernmost of all CMH lodges offers 2,100 square kilometers of pure powder fun.

Button_ski_kanada_2Heliskiing begins where all other means of transportation have no chance – more precisely: at the northern end of the Cariboos. McBride is located near the small town of Valemount. In winter, hardly any tourists stray there; there isn’t even a real airport. CMH brings its guests via a private airport to the northernmost of its lodges, in the middle of dramatic mountain scenery. The peaks of the Premier Range, with the Rockies‘ Monarch and the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies, Mount Robson – a landscape made for heliskiing. Rugged and especially steep slopes, huge glacier plateaus and magnificent forest runs are just waiting to be skied. With a maximum group size of ten guests, this adventure is one of the most exclusive from Canadian Mountain Holidays.

CMH McBride: Powdering in the north of the Rocky Mountains

An average of 14 meters of snowfall per year and a magnificent ski terrain between 1,100 and 3,000 meters promise pure skiing fun. Over 200 runs – unprepared, of course – wind through the wilderness. You can’t get up here just like that, the pure passion for undulating pleasure runs and racy steep slopes drives you to McBride.

No one has to do without the necessary comfort either. The rustic lodge, near the small village of McBride, offers a spacious lounge, a hot tub and a steam sauna. The comfortably furnished rooms provide a perfect ski vacation in the northernmost CMH ski paradise of the Rockies.“



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Name CMH McBride
Location McBride Lodge
Provinz/Bundesstaat British Columbia
Mountain Range Cariboos
Zielflughafen Calgary
Transferzeiten 6 ¾ h

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