Whistler-Live-Blog! SKI KANADA berichtet im Winter 2022 aus Whistler Blackcomb
SKI KANADA hat seine Redaktion für den Winter 2022 nach Whistler verlegt. Von Januar bis März berichten wir regelmäßig aus dem größten Skigebiet Nordamerikas. Verfolgt hier unseren Live-Blog aus Whistler mit News, Tipps uns Stories über Whistler, das Skiresort Whistler
Zum fünften Mal in Folge Nummer Eins: Bella Coola Heli Sports
Bei den World Ski Awards 2021 in Kitzbühel wurde zum fünften Mal in Folge der Heliski-Anbieter Bella Coola aus Kanada zum besten Heliski-Operator der Welt gekürt. Auf dem zweiten und dritten Platz
Utah feiert Olympia-Jubiläum!
Utah feiert das 20-jährige Jubiläum seiner Olympischen Winterspiele Salt Lake City 2002.
Snowboard: Fit for deep snow
For many snowboarders, deep snow skiing is the supreme discipline. You float almost weightlessly through the deep powder and enjoy a feeling of freedom in untouched nature. Once you've discovered this experience for yourself, it's hard to get away from
Deep snowboarding: The first meters
A day in fresh powder is the perfect snow experience for many snowboarders. Spectacular runs, a magnificent panorama and the feeling of freedom attract deep snow fans to untouched slopes again and again. For inexperienced riders, getting started can be
Advanced powdering on the snowboard
Those who feel confident in deep snow can make an impression with powder sprays, switch powder turns and big turns.
Increase speed in deep snow
At higher speed, the amount of lean can be increased. This enables powerful movements in powder.
The most important basics for steep slope skiing
In addition to fantastic powder snow passages and adrenaline-pumping treeskiing slopes, the steep slopes are probably THE flagship of Canadian ski resorts. Skiing on steep slopes requires the utmost concentration. It depends on the moment of the turn, on the
The most common mistakes in steep slope driving and how to avoid them
Too much speed, no pressure or lack of balance - on steep slopes, mistakes are very rarely forgiven and falls usually result in serious injuries. SKI KANADA, Ski USA and the German Ski Instructors Association (DSLV) point out the most
Steep slope driving made easy
It's not uncommon for the most interesting and attractive slopes in a ski area to also be the steepest slopes, which experienced skiers specifically seek out and which less experienced skiers still skirt around in awe.SKI CANADA, SKI USA and