Video: Revelstoke opens ski season 21/22 with powderday
Revelstoke Mountain Resort in British Columbia has opened for the season – and how! Check out this video from opening day. Powder, powder, powder and snow much fun!
Fernie: The special powder town in British Columbia
The small town of Fernie in southeastern British Columbia is known as Powder Town. This paradise for freeriders is home to the Fernie Alpine Resort at the foot of the imposing Lizard Range. Want to know what makes the resort
Freeride-Video „Tales from Cascadia“
You can't miss this freeride movie. Watch "Tales from Cascadia" in full length with us at Salomon.
Wintertraum Banff Lake Louise: Mehr als nur Skifahren
Banff Lake Louise ist ein Traum für Skifahrer und Snowboarder - und nicht nur für die. Schau Dir dieses Video an und Du weißt, warum
Video: Last Frontier Heliskiing introduce themselves
In its "Backrounder Series" Last Frontier Heliskiing gives exciting insights into the daily life of the heliski operation in the far north of British Columbia. Here's a brief overview of the various episodes.
The Cold Rush – Last Frontier Heliskiing
From Ripley Creek to Bell 2 Lodge: This trip with Last Frontier Heliskiing is a bit different than the "normal" heliskiing vacation, because it goes with skis from one base to the next. Watch the video for great impressions of
Mission to fulfill dreams: the team of Last Frontier Heliskiing
Guests invest a lot of money and travel long distances to fulfill their dreams of heliskiing. Last Frontier Heliskiing appreciates this. Accordingly, the team does everything in their power to give freeriders unforgettable moments in the snow - and to
Deep in the Skeena and Coast Mountain: the terrain of Last Frontier Heliskiing
Part 3 of Last Frontier Heliskiing's "Backrounder Series" looks at the terrain. The heliski provider in British Columbia has more than 10,000 square kilometers of terrain exclusively at its disposal. An almost endless powder playground in mountain ranges that are
Lawinenairbag, LVS & Co.: Sicherheit bei Last Frontier Heliskiing
Sicherheit hat beim Freeriden mit Last Frontier Heliskiing oberste Priorität. Im Video erklären die Experten, wie sie die Gäste schulen, was zur Sicherheitsausrüstung gehört und welche Maßnahmen das Team ergreift, um das Risiko im Tiefschnee zu minimieren.
The Last Frontier
Safety is a top priority when freeriding with Last Frontier Heliskiing. In the video, the experts explain how they train the guests, what belongs to the safety equipment and what measures the team takes to minimize the risk in deep